Monday, January 23, 2012

How to Obtain your Marriage License on Maui..and other simple matters.

In spite of all the "fun" that I have in planning weddings, there are a few details that are REQUIRED by the State of Hawaii. We obtain your beach access permit for you, and most importantly we assist you in getting your MARRIAGE LICENSE.
Up until recently, we picked up a phone and called a local license agent to make an appointment for you. Now, we can simply book this for you on-line via a very simple process. This allows us to book this for you even though it isn't office hours. We can then send you the confirmation of your date (that you have requested) and provide the address, phone number and confirmation number of your appointment.
We will send you a PDF of the marriage license application and YOU FILL THAT OUT and TAKE IT WITH YOU TO THE APPOINTMENT. Do NOT sign the application and leave the minister's name and name of your wedding location blank so shoud that information change. Remember that this is a LEGAL document so if you are considering a name change you may want to discuss this with the agent at the number we provide for you. The fee paid to the agent is $70 and is only accepted in CASH. Both of you must appear and should show your identification (drivers licenses or passports). The license agent will provide you with an EXPEDITE form that you can fill out and send in with the fee for your marriage license process to hopefully be sped up a little.( Those who are waiting to be included on a new insurance policy with a spouse may need to call the Health Department in Honolulu if you are concerned about the time it is taking to receive this back.) We recommend you send in the form to expedite this process.
Please REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR LICENSE WITH YOU TO THE CEREMONY. Without this license your minister cannot marry you. (The license and the wedding rings are often forgotten in the excitement of the day so it is a good idea to place this in a special place so it will not be forgotten. The minister will sign this with you at the end of the ceremony. You may have two witnesses sign and if none are present then the Minister or photographer/coordinator or whomever can sign for you. The Minister will then mail in the license for you and then the State of Hawaii will return it to you after it is processed.

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